Hello my loyal blog readers, i know that some of u guys might be pissed that i havent updated my blog in a long time. I apologize for that as i was in Bandung & Jogjakarta, Indonesia last week.
I'll be flying off this Thursday to Spain for 3 weeks for a couple of gigs. Sigh, i'm really excited about Spain but not about the journey. I calculated that its gonna take me at least 24 hours of transit and travelling! Sometimes i wish i had the power of Jumper. Hahaha.. How i wish rite.
Well till then i'll be blogging from Barcelona (Hopefully ;))
Here's a flyer from one of my gig in Spain
I'll be flying off this Thursday to Spain for 3 weeks for a couple of gigs. Sigh, i'm really excited about Spain but not about the journey. I calculated that its gonna take me at least 24 hours of transit and travelling! Sometimes i wish i had the power of Jumper. Hahaha.. How i wish rite.
Well till then i'll be blogging from Barcelona (Hopefully ;))

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