As most of you already know that my mate Nathan Kiriakos (Greek for Charles) Roussos aka PUNK ASS WHITE BOY! And Emile (my homeboy from Singapore) was down during the weekend. And what a weekend that was! Well at least on Saturday night la..
Well we didnt do much but DRINK DRINK & MORE DRINKING! Haha.
Was at Phuture on Saturday night and by the end of the night i couldnt remember what happened! Thats what happeneds with 4 bottles of Vodka and countless shot of god knows what!

Hahaha.. The lovers!
Emile & Ms. Malaysia

Me and my Lover! Natey boy! Haha
Well we didnt do much but DRINK DRINK & MORE DRINKING! Haha.
Was at Phuture on Saturday night and by the end of the night i couldnt remember what happened! Thats what happeneds with 4 bottles of Vodka and countless shot of god knows what!
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