God i swear i can still feel the alcohol level from Friday & Saturday!!
I wonder whats the condition of my liver now ? :S
Ok let me start on how the weekend started.
Friday was spent at CK's house for his Infamous Drinking Session 04 :P
108 bottles of Corona, 5 bottles of Vodka, 1 bottle of Absynth & 1 bottle of Bacardi 151 =
Incase your wondering where we got the 108 bottles of Corona ? Well it was from the last week at Su Lin's Fashion show.. I mean Corona sponsored 40 cartons of Beer, and the balance from the night of course we took ;) HAHAHAHA!!
So it was organized that we'd have a small cookout too, CK's mum made some Pai Kuat & Char Siew, Sze Ming with his world class mash potatoes :P and my Lasagne :D, although Natalie said she could do better, and i challanged her to a cooking competition ;) well thats another story in the near future :)
Besides drinking Sean brought his PS3 and we were playing/singing
SingStar.. Which was hilarious, if you have me on Facebook, you can check my videos of Sze Ming vs Chee Weng singing Britney Spear's Crazy!!! LOL, but the best was still Anthony (Su Lin's BF) when he saw Sze Ming & Chee Weng playing SingStar he was WAH!!! This is a game ? And i told yea.. Technology now days quite amazing eh ? LMAO!! Anthony - STONNED!!! LMAO
As for Saturday we headed to Phuture for Su Lin's farwell, as she's leaving to Boston on Wednesday to Study :(
Phuture too was HAVOC!!! DRINK DRINK DRINK!!! AND MORE DRINKING!!! I swear after so so long, never in my life did i have to stop drinking!! It was that CRAZY!!! LOL.. But really fun :D
Friday Pics -

ck the host :D

posers to the max!!! :P

Pai Kuat & Char Siew (Pork Ribs & Roasted Pork)!! Yummy :D


su & anthony munching away

sze ming with his SingStar singing CRAZY!!! LOL

i just found lost treasure!!! Muahahahaha

daniel loving the new found treasure!

Corona with Barardi 151!! I died and went to heaven with this :S

shantee, su & myself

after all those shots this is what happens = some gay shit!

him too :P

a bunch of wasted ppl!

dan & nat (
women with the red face :P) playing singstar

ivin and su pulling it off

har.. KENADED!!! KO!!

the half way aftermath!

drunk lan toh hai!!

errr.. no comment :P
Saturday Pics -
dinner at Madam Kwan's Bangsar, thanks Sean :D

the cousins :)

the retards :p

sze ming powing ck's shisha :P

at phuture

moon & myself.. GONE!!

eric and ivin (wasted!!!)