What a weekend last weekend was.. It totally drained me out! Well more like Pablo & myself.. haha
Well we ended up getting to Vitoria at around 2pm and since we arrived we were busy as hell. I didnt even have the time to sleep. So i had to switch to plan b, take the back seat of the car and sleep! Haha. Oh yea and not to mention that its bloody FREEZING HERE!
As what the locals say.. In Vitoria there are long Autum's, long Winter's, little Spring & almost no Summer!
When we finally got to San Sebastian we went straight to dinner. I must say when pablo and the guys were telling me on how big the Steaks were in the North of Spain i didnt believe them till i actually ate there! Haha.. Their Massive! Imagine a 500grams steak for a person ? or 1kg Steak.. Hell i even heard of a 2kg Steak! And not to mention the amount of starters they ordered, it was a total of only 10 of us but i think with the amount of food in total it was enough to feed maybe 20 ppl! LOL But it was a dinner i'd never forget!
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