Update Pt.1
One week in Bcn.. Yup time really fly's its already been one week since i arrived back in Barcelona.. Havent been doing much actually.. Just been catching up with the guys from the agency and eating, eating, and more eating, drinking & sleeping! Haha.. I know how boring rite ? Well what to do ? This is what happens when your on tour i guess. But thankfully the other day when Ian and myself were walking downtown towards Rita Rouge (My Fav restaurant in Bcn) we came across a Shisha bar! When i saw that i was like finally! a shisha bar! Although it cost 10 euros and wasnt that good, but who cares rite ? beggars cant be choosers. Hehe

Some ancient Roman graveyard in downtown Barcelona
Rita Rouge! My Fav place to eat in Bcn! I highy recommend it

Ian & Marcos (iphone 3g addicts)
Paula & Asier
Potato Croquette
Guacamole Dip
Some lamb dish paula ordered

Former bull fighting arena
Plaza Espanya

Bee.. this is the jacket... i know you cant really see it but yea its this one :)
Some protest shit going on in La Ramblas (City Centre)

Good Shit! (No bee.. i didnt try it although i was really really tempted and found out it was some hydro stuff plus it smelt like tea leaves)
Very Tempting!
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