Update Pt. 2
Last night after a tough decision between Umek, Kevin Saunderson & Sven Vath with Ben Sims We decided to catch Sven Vath & Ben Sims at Row 14, i've been wanting to catch Sven for ages (and i do mean ages) and see whats so great about this guy. When i finally saw him.. I was like WTF ? Whats so special about this guy ? I mean he mixes like any ordinary dj.. hell i think u can even take a bedroom dj from Kampung Baru and he can still play better than Sven. And the worse part it was PACKED! PACKED LIKE HELL! All media bullshit i guess.. In the end we moved to the 2nd room where Narkotic Dlux ( http://www.myspace.com/narkoticdlux ) were playing! And fuck me.. Those guys can play! especially Mark! So proper hardgroove! And the best part the 2nd room was Packed! U could tell that those ppl in the 2nd room knew their shit unlike 70% of the ppl in the main room listening to mr. Sven (Bisexual) Vath yup he is (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-n90BVhV_8&feature=PlayList&p=1081D0D9135ED792&playnext=1&index=1).
But of course when Sven finished playing his minimal shit.. Mr. Ben Sims took to the decks, and when he took over most of us were like FUCK YEA! Finally some proper proper hardgroove shit! Mr. Sims never seems to disappoint us :)
Sven Vath in the mix (boring..)
Main Room

Mark of Narkotik Dlux in the mix (ROCKING!)
2nd room

But of course when Sven finished playing his minimal shit.. Mr. Ben Sims took to the decks, and when he took over most of us were like FUCK YEA! Finally some proper proper hardgroove shit! Mr. Sims never seems to disappoint us :)
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