Tuesday, April 7, 2009

F1 Weekend

Well.. It was the F1 weekend, and most of you probably knew that there was Speedzone in KL tower, with quite an impressive line-up, but unfortunately they were not serving alcohol at the party, yup! and that you have to thank our religious department. So instead of heading to KL tower i ended up at... Zouk, what else is new rite ? Hahaha. But surprisingly it was rocking in Zouk (Main Room) not Phuture, which is getting boring! Although it was Hip Hop but they were playing some oldskool stuff, and damm! The DJ was HOT! LOL

But it was a good night, havent seen Emile ever this drunk before! hahaha..

Eric and his Stewardess friend ;)
Emile and his newly acquainted friend
and getting to know each other better :P
mel with her newly acquainted friend from Singapore who she cant remember meeting :P
Sunil passed out at Shisha :P

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