After a crazy weekend from Thursday - Sunday (today) i'm so so glad to be back in Barcelona, like literally just touched down like 30 mins ago!
Friday's gig was excellent! I mean even though it was the first set but Row 14 will always be my favourite club in Barcelona! What a night it was!

Mark & Myself

2 psycho artist of Shape Booking's and their Legendary Manager :P


Bando on the Decks

Claudia, Cristian Varela & myself :)

C.V on the decks!

Bando & Claudia working the iphone
Saturday was also amazing, although the i was really really tired but yea. After the gig at Row 14 which finished at 6am. I had to rush back home, got my clothes and zoom staright to the aiport as my flight was at 9.35am, and i couldnt afford to miss this flight as its the only flight for that day. I finally arrived at Basel Airport which is an airport smacked in the middle of France and Switzerland at 11am. And like the ususal Daniel the promoter picked me up and drove back to Freiburg, Germany which was like a 40 mins drive. Once we got there, 1st thing was of course FOOD! Haha.
Freiburg is apparetly the warmest city in Germany, but to tell you the truth the weather was horrible! And when i mean Horrible is was fucking HORRIBLE. The same exact kind of weather like England, but worse! It was super cold and wet! The rain never seemed to end, just when it stopped an hour later it would start again.
The gigs however were good! I played in 2 City's, 1st gig was in Lahr, which is also another 40 mins away from 12am - 1.30am and then had to rush back to Freiburg immediately for my set at 3.30am - 5am.
Unfortunately i didnt manage to take any pics for my weekend in Germany, what ashame i know. Reason was we ended up using all the battery the night before at Row 14 and when i got to Germany i realized that i forgot to bring my charger. Sigh.